Interracial Dating Multicultural Resources The Art of Interracial Marriage

My Heart Approves Of Pennsylvania

My Heart Approves Of Pennsylvania Interracial/Intercultural Marriage: Indian Man And Caucasian American Woman About Meet Ravi, and his wife, Emily. Ravi is Indian, and he was born and raised in Hyderabad, India. Emily is Caucasian American, and she was born and raised near Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA. How They Met Ravi moved from New York to …

Multicultural Resources

A Simple Guide To Indian Hand Gestures, Body Language, And Their Meaning

A Simple Guide To Indian Hand Gestures, Body Language, And Their Meaning Generally speaking, humans have two main methods of communication. These are verbal and non-verbal. Non-verbal communication makes up an immense part of our everyday lives. This form of communication involves using one’s hands and body to convey information or communicate with one another. …

Multicultural Resources Parenting

Successful Multiracial (Mixed South Asian/Desi) People To Watch 2024

Successful Multiracial (Mixed South Asian/Desi) People To Watch 2024 Mainstream media often overlooks the achievements of multiracial individuals of mixed South Asian/Desi heritage, despite their significant contributions. While “mixed” frequently connotes Black and White ancestry, it truly encompasses a range of backgrounds. Today, let’s spotlight some noteworthy mixed South Asians/ Desi individuals to keep an …

Multicultural Resources The Art of Interracial Marriage

Where Are They Now? Swiping Right For Love So Tinder

Where Are They Now Swiping Right For Love So Tinder In May of 2019, I introduced you to Simone and her husband, Debmalya.  Simone is African-American and Caucasian, and Debmalya is Bengali. In 2016, Simone visited her cousin in upstate New York, 3 hours from New Hampshire, where she lived. Debmalya was living in the …