Bound for the Amazon: A Tale of Love Between a Haitian Woman and an Indian Man

Today, meet Woodnise, aka Tita, and Gurtej @tetentita!
Tita was born in Haiti, raised in the USA, and now lives in Canada. Her partner, Guretj, fondly known as Tej, was born and raised in Punjab, India, and has made Canada his home. Their love story began four years ago in an Amazon warehouse, a place where destiny worked its magic and that they thank @jeffbezos for.
How They Met
From the first moment their eyes met, it was as if the universe conspired to bring them together. They felt a connection, a spark that they both hesitated to acknowledge. As a Black woman, thoughts lingered in her mind, wondering if love between them could ever be possible. It seemed like an impossible feat to be with an Indian man, and she was convinced he wouldn’t take it seriously. Because Black and Indian couples are not very common. Meanwhile, Tej, with his charming Punjabi demeanor, was hesitant to approach her.

Reservations & Secret Dating
Despite their initial reservations, Tita noticed Tej stealing glances at her whenever they were assigned to their work duties. His habit of rolling his eyes at her, which she found irksome; she hated him for that, only fueled the growing tension between them. One day, Tita mustered the courage to break the ice. She couldn’t help but notice he was wearing Jordan shoes, a brand close to her heart. “Why wear those here? It’s so dusty,” she remarked. Tej, with his carefree demeanor, replied, “I’ve got plenty; they’re just shoes.” Tita then replied, Okay!
From that moment, their bond deepened. They spent lunch breaks together, often sharing food in her car. Their camaraderie became so apparent that rumors started circulating in the Amazon warehouse that they were dating. Therefore, when people asked them if they were dating, they said yes, even though at that time they were just friends. As their connection flourished, they embarked on their first official date to a mall, a place Tej had never been despite it being 45km away from his home. It was during this outing that Tej confessed his love for Tita. Unsure and guarded, she held back her feelings. She didn’t say anything to him but just continued eating her food.

Yet, day by day, their love grew stronger, and she found the courage to give their relationship a chance. For two years, they kept their love a secret, sharing stolen moments and building a foundation that would withstand any storm. On our third year, they decided to share their beautiful journey with family and friends.
Meeting Each Other’s Families
Tita’s family embraced Tej with open arms, but on his end, a crucial conversation was needed with his family. Tej, had to sit them down and tell them that he is at an age to decide for himself. It wasn’t easy but with a lot of talking and explaining, his family accepted their love and the depth of their connection.
Now, they have been living together for a year and a half, planning their wedding for this year. While the date is yet to be set, they decided to share their love and journey because they love seeing other Black and Indian couples. It is something that the world still can not accept. Nonetheless, their hearts are full, and their love story continues to unfold, a testament to the power of love that transcends borders and cultural differences.
Find them on YouTube and TikTok too! Pin this post for later! Have a question or want to share your story? Write us at [email protected].