My Big Fat Indian Family, African-American Family, and numerous friends have already come for visits or are planning to visit us in Charlotte, NC this summer. Upon confirmation of an upcoming visit I am swiftly prompted to go to Pinterest to start planning. Pinterest has overtaken my past tried and true standbys of: Martha Stewart Living, Good House Keeping, Home and Living, O magazine, Food Network, Food.com, Vikas Khanna.com etc. These magazines and websites have helped me to: get inspiration for new recipes, cope with planning for large family gatherings, welcoming new friends into our home, and planning and itemizing what needs to be done and when in my house as the CEO, Chief Housekeeper, Chef, Mompreneur and Wife.
As I log into Pinterest, I become like a child in a candy store. I am completely enthralled with new: tips, tricks, hacks, finds, and ways of “how-to do” it seems EVERYTHING. What am I talking about? Pinterest can show me: how to budget, plan meals for a crowd, great summer activities for kids (we have 4 nieces and nephews coming to visit this 4th of July ), provide me with boredom buster summer fitness routines, great day trips to explore in NC and SC. Additionally, it provides me with a greater variation of Indian food inspiration, Blindian (Black and Indian) fusion ideas, new vegetarian dishes to make (for my vegetarian mother-in-law and dad) , and of tons of tips for getting my home ready for guests etc.
Pinterest is one of the greatest search engines in this day and age for finding whatever you are seeking. With a click of your computer mouse you can pin anything and everything that you may need or are looking for in the future. Such as: building or buying a new home, fixing a broken A/C unit (also see Just Youtube IT), how to deal with a tween, teenager, father day gift ideas, anniversary ideas, traveling to Italy etc. In a way, Pinterest provides you with a means to create your own personalized life magazine catered to you and your family. And for those of you that are green lovers, it is a green resource so you aren’t unnecessarily killing any trees. Last, you can pin something now and unpin it later if the pin no longer works for you or wasn’t what you were looking for etc. Thanks to Pinterest all my tried and true magazines are now a lone, standing, leaning tower of Pisa on my desk.
***This is not a sponsored post for Pinterest just my new fascination with the search engine.
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