Unexpected Love. East Africa Meets East India. Interracial/Intercultural Marriage: African Woman And Indian Man
Unexpected Love. East Africa Meets East India.
Interracial/Intercultural Marriage: African Woman and Indian Man
“Color is the only difference. We all belong to one race, we are apart of the human race.”
About Us
Hi, everyone we are Nash and Biswajit Behera. I, Nash am African, and my husband, Biswajit is Indian.
Where Are You From
I am from Uganda (East Africa), and my husband is from East India.
How Did You Meet
We met through a friend who was working with Nash.
How Long Have You Been Together
Where Do You Currently Live
How Was Meeting His Parents For The First Time
How Was Meeting Her Parents For The First Time
My husband met my parents while we were still dating and it was overwhelming. They liked Biswajit instantaneously.
What Obstacles Did You Encounter For Being In An Interracial/Intercultural Relationship And How Did You Overcome These Obstacles
Nash states that in my country it’s so hard and so rare to find Indians marrying Africans so people would stare too much and that made me uncomfortable at times. However, over time, I just got used to it.
Provide Any Engagement Or Wedding Tips You Wish You Knew Beforehand
What Do You Love About Being In An Interracial/Intercultural Marriage
Color is the only difference. We all belong to one race, we are apart of the human race. I, Nash personally love the fact that we get to learn about each other’s cultures. Falling in love doesn’t need to be from the same culture; different ethnicities can also make love a beautiful thing.
What Are You Still Learning From Being In An Interracial/Intercultural Marriage
We are still learning how to cope up with the environment we live in. We live in a country where people are not used to seeing a couple of African and Indian descent together.
How Are You Raising Your Child/Children To Know Both Of Your Cultures
Today our son is only 1 year and 6 months old so he will have to learn about our cultural differences as he gets older ( maybe three years old). We are planning to make him go to school here in Africa and we will gradually teach him about his dad’s culture at home. My husband speaks to him in his language (Hindi) while I speak English so this will help him understand the difference.
What did you think of Nash and Biswajit’s love story? Isn’t their multicultural family beautiful?! Thank you, Nash for writing to us and sharing your charming love story. It is great to hear when parents are happy for their children to wed regardless of ethnicity. Have a story you want to share with us? Write to us at [email protected]. Love this story and others like it? Pin it for later! Find us on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook @growingupguptas and on Twitter @growingupgupta.
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