Growing Up Gupta

A Masala Lifestyle Magazine
5 Tips For Overcoming Being Disowned For Interracial/Intercultural Love

5 Tips For Overcoming Being Disowned For Interracial/Intercultural Love

5 Tips For Overcoming Being Disowned For Interracial/Intercultural Love

If you find yourself in this position as I, Sachin had in dating a Non-Indian woman, here are my 5 TIPS for overcoming this situation with your parents.   Want to know our story find it here.

1.)  Both of you in the relationship have to be willing and committed to make short and long-term sacrifices for love to thrive in spite of obstacles.

2.) Love is a two-way street. As much as we love our parents, our parents love us.  Many parents of Indian descent couldn’t consider a relationship outside of an arranged marriage. Thus many don’t understand love in the context that you and your significant other do with each other.

3.) Sometimes it is not necessary to play a game of chicken but if you get disowned sometimes you just need to let go and let things cool and calm down.

4.) At the end of the day you have to be smart about your argument, be logical, do your research, get your point across, it doesn’t happen right away.

5.) Culture is important and you need to be able to tell your Indian elders you are going to be able to uphold their culture. Be sensitive to culture.  This is probably one of the most important tips.  When Indian families immigrate to America for a better life, one consequential difficulty is losing your culture as you assimilate into the melting pot of American culture.

Want to know more tips, advice, lessons learned on interracial/intercultural dating and relationships? Find it in our new book the Art of Interracial Dating.

Were you disowned for dating interracially/interculturally?  Do you have any other tips on overcoming being disowned? Share your story and/or comment below. Like our content Subscribe!


8 comments found

  1. Thanks for being so open and for sharing your story. Sometimes we need to stand for what we believe and it sounds like you made that choice. Good for you for following your heart!

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