Fate Brought Us Together And Now I Have Been Disowned For Dating A Black Man
Fate Brought Us Together And Now I Have Been Disowned For Dating A Black Man
Interracial and Intercultural Dating: Pakistani and Thai Woman And St. Lucian and Jamaican Man
Meet Humaira and Rommel! Humaira is Pakistani and Thai, and Rommel is St. Lucian and Jamaican. They were both born and raised in London, UK.
How They Met
Humaira and Rommel believe fate brought them together when they were both going through difficult times in life. Funny and true, they were both working for the same mobile network company but in different stores. Rommel works in the store closest to Humaira’s best friend (Jaycee). The store is situated in the tube station, so she would unknowingly walk past his store all the time on the way to see Jaycee.
In May 2019, she headed to the tattoo store, and her SIM card started to act up. So she decided she would go to the mobile store near Jaycee for a replacement SIM as long as it wasn’t busy. As she exited the station, she noticed the store was empty but tried to talk herself out of going inside.
However, something just made her go inside, and when she approached the service desk, she was greeted by Rommel. She knew the process and gave him her ID and phone number, and he began discussing an upgrade plan. He was not aware that they both worked for the same company and so she laughed and told him they were in the same field. They chatted about their stores and what they did outside of work. Rommel confided that he was getting into music and modeling. As a result, Humaira offered her photographic services because she does 35mm photography, and then they followed each other on Instagram.
Becoming Boyfriend And Girlfriend
Nonetheless, they didn’t speak to each other on Instagram for a couple of months. It wasn’t until Humaira had come back from a much-needed holiday in July that she decided to message Rommel to see if he wanted to meet up to discuss business/photo-shoot work. They decided to have a late lunch at Jaycee’s pub near Rommel’s job, and they didn’t even talk about business for more than 10 minutes. Instead, it felt like they had known each other for years and were catching up on life.
After they ate, they went for a walk down to the River, sat down at 7 pm, had discussions, debates, Rommel shared his music, joked around, and suddenly it was 11 pm. The entire time Humaira felt a deep connection where she just wanted to kiss Rommel but she was too scared. Humaira had never in her whole life felt like this before, and it was so bizarre. Yet she was sure she wouldn’t regret kissing him. However, it didn’t happen. They ended up walking back to the pub and could not stop talking to each other.
Over time Rommel and Humaira grew closer–they both felt a deep connection but didn’t know what to do with it. Hence for a few months, they were friends who knew they loved each other. And although they felt like they were already in a relationship from the start, Rommel asked Humaira to be his girlfriend in December 2019.
How Long Have They Been Dating
Almost a year.
What Did Humaira’s Parents Say After She Told Them About Rommel
Humaira did not tell her dad about Rommel because she knew that he would disagree with their relationship. Her mom was happy for her; she just reiterated some usual motherly wisdom, love, and advice.
What Did Rommel’s Parents Say After He Told Them About Humaira
They were both happy for Rommel, and they told him that he is punching above his weight.
What Happened When Humaira Met Rommel’s Parents
Humaira met Rommel’s mom while they were just friends. His mom is lovely, and she made Humaira feel at home. She included Humaira in many plans and made her feel so comfortable. Over time, they have grown closer, spending more time together, chilling, and running errands.
Conversely, Humaira just recently met Rommel’s dad in person at a family party. Prior to this, though, they had ‘met’ on a video call and had a friendly chat. Overall he’s lovely, super supportive, and funny. He even video called Humaira on her birthday!
What Happened When Rommel Met Humaira’s Parents
Rommel has only met Humaira’s mom; they went out for dinner one night. Humaira’s dad hasn’t met Rommel because he doesn’t want to and also because she doesn’t want him to. Her father has expressed that he doesn’t respect her choice for a partner, and he has disowned her.
Why Has Humaira Been Disowned By Her Father
Humaira’s dad (is Pakistani) and he doesn’t accept the fact her boyfriend is Black. He has said that he doesn’t want ‘black blood’ in their family bloodline and that Black people/men are unreliable, disloyal and she will end up a single mother.
Her father ‘warned’ her when she was 14-years-old not to have a Black boyfriend. And now that she does, it is disrespectful. Humaira’s father has told her that she is no longer his daughter, and he asked her to leave the house. She can no longer refer to him as dad, and they no longer speak to each other. It is solely thanks to her mom fighting for her that she still lives in the family home.
What Does Humaira Wish She Could Tell Her Dad
First and foremost, isn’t the love from your parents supposed to be unconditional? It hurts that he would rather be alone than have his only daughter’s love and communication. She wishes and prays that he will change his mind and decide to be apart of her life. Every day she misses him even though he put her through hell and said horrible things. Last but not least, she loves him and prays he will educate himself for everyone’s benefit.
What Do They Love About Being In An Interracial Relationship
They are breaking generational curses, destroying stereotypes, and challenging judgment. Additionally, they get to learn about the differences in each other’s cultures, backgrounds, and food. Humaira loves Caribbean food more than she knew.
What Are They Still Learning From Being In An Interracial Relationship
They are always learning, and know there is so much more to learn. Humaira has learned the true meaning of family because Rommel’s family welcomed her and has voiced their endless support for their relationship. She has never loved a family as much as she loves them. They’ve given her a feeling of home that she never had with her own family.
Anything Else They Want To Share With Others Reading This
It’s so difficult knowing and seeing your parents unhappy because of you. Yet it would be best to weigh your happiness and life prospects before you give up your whole future for them. Things don’t automatically become correct or permissible just because it’s your parents – racism is wrong, end of story! There is no justification or leniency. Racists should always be corrected, educated, and confronted – even if they’re your parents.
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