Growing Up Gupta

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Never Stop Betting On Us

Never Stop Betting On Us

Never Stop Betting On Us

Interracial And Intercultural Marriage: Burundian Woman And Indian Man

“Having somewhere to go to is home. Having someone to love is family. And having both is a blessing.”~Unknown 


Meet Léane and Satveer Darbar. Léane is a Burundian, and she is catholic. She was born in Bujumbura, the capital of Burundi, in Africa. At the age of 15, Léane moved from Burundi to Cameroon, Africa, and at 19-years of age, she moved to Canada. Her husband, Satveer, is Indian, and he is Hindu. His family is from Gujarat, India, but he grew up in Burundi. Currently Léane lives in Canada and Satveer lives in Burundi so they have a long distance marriage. Eventually Léane will move back to Burundi.

Their Nicknames For Each Other

They are the Darbar’s, but they call each other Booboo all the time, and now Satveer’s family calls Léane, Booboo.

How They Met

They met seven years ago at a barbecue in Burundi, and they kept talking because Léane lost a bet against Satveer.

What Happened When Satveer Met Léane’s Parents

Bujumbura is a small city, Léane’s mother knew that they were dating before she officially told her and her mom met Satveer for the first time without Léane. Satveer had gone to her mother’s house to retrieve a gift for Léane, who was in Canada. Sadly, Satveer never met Léane’s dad because he passed away a year before they met.

What Happened When Léane Met Satveer’s Parents

Léane was stressed about everything: her clothes, the gift, but it was the best meeting with a future mother-in-law that anyone can imagine.  She met Satveer’s father a few weeks before their wedding, and his entire family welcomed her with an open heart.

Obstacles They Have Encountered For Being In An Interracial And Intercultural Relationship

They have dealt with cultural biases and judgments. Because an Indian person marrying an African person is not common in the world and even rarer in Burundi. And both of their cultures are not very open to marriages with foreigners. Hence they contend with bad comments, discrimination, and people saying that the relationship will not last.

How They Deal With The Challenges

They put themselves in a bubble at the beginning of their relationship. A bubble with no outside influence to create a solid foundation for their marriage and to communicate and pray (although they are different religions) about all their challenges.

Their Tips For Other Couples

  • Communication is key. We both learned that there is a right and wrong way to say things to each other.
  • Be open-minded.
  • Stay passionate about learning about each other and new things together.
  • Realize an interracial and intercultural marriage like ours is inclusive of the in-laws. The in-laws are an extension of your spouse, and it is not a minuscule part because knowing and understanding them helps explain who they are.
  • Make sure you completely understand each other’s cultural backgrounds. It is essential before deciding to spend the rest of your life with someone. You have to realize that this is another culture that you will be apart of once you say “I do”.

Anything Else They Want To Share With Others Reading This

No matter what fate sends your way, you must not forget that at the outset, the bond that unites you is love and that bond unites only two people above all else. So everything is and can be settled as long as there is love between you two.

Thank you, Léane and Satveer for sharing your touching and encouraging love story with us. Have a story you want to share or a question for us? Write to us at [email protected].

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