It has been 14 months since I left my job in Corporate America where I was renowned as “the best of the best”. I’m not going to lie and say that I don’t miss my job at times and the promise of climbing the ever growing Corporate ladder. I do. I miss, in particular: wearing business attire, my independence, being a double income family (budgeting isn’t as fun but it lets you see how much we waste/ don’t really need), creating solutions that help customers, the people, meeting new people, and owning the sale/deal. However, I don’t miss the bureaucracy or the 24/7 love affair I had with my cellphone and computer, the deadlines, the timelines, the mindless hours in the car, the nail biting moments in the plane, and not seeing my husband or daughter for days.
In all truth, working was easier (yes, I said it). However the time that I have gotten to spend with my daughter is time I won’t be able to get back. I never considered how leaving Corporate America would allow me to see that I am more than the career woman–she is not the entire definition of me. If I was still the career woman I would not have gotten to tap into a second childhood via my daughter. To relive being completely immersed in seeing the novelty in things, playing, and running (not just for fitness but) for fun, to be in a moment (instead of defined by the moment), and to understand what it is like to want to take care of someone more than myself.
A magnificent little person that can make me want to cry and smile at the same time and challenges me in a way that no job ever has. Plus, I’ve learned to bake bread from scratch (no I’m not Julia Child) but it’s something I’ve secretly always wanted to learn to do. Yet I never had the time. I also finally made the decision to start some businesses ( use the totality of my MBA) instead of just talking about doing so while I was working for someone else. I’m finding that I’m a better me. A better wife and Mother.
It seems that those career women that have taken the leap knew all along that “the job” will be there.
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