Donald Trump, You’re Hired?
“My greatest fear is Donald Trump becoming President”, said my 12-year old niece while we were hanging out on the back porch after a waddle worthy Christmas Dinner. It was an unseasonably warm winter in NC. The four of us, who are adults instantly broke into hysterical bouts of laughter. Our chuckles were so hearty that we could have awoken the entire neighborhood.
We asked her why was she so fearful of Donald Trump? She asserted back in anguish, “he wants to build a wall, he wants to impose restrictions that impacts Americans based on their religion, what is this going to do to our Country?” Baffled at her retort, we all looked at her with an awkward silence and then tried to assure her that there was no way this was going to happen.
Yet in the back of our minds we knew very well it could (with a stretch of the imagination) happen. He, after all, was a contender for the highest office in the land, the President of the United States. And if you’ve kept up, on this election like we have: making date nights of watching the Presidential debates, leaving our TV’s set to CNN, NBC, and Fox for the latest political commentaries, and even pillaging the internet to further fact find and investigate the candidates’ vices. This presidential election has not been like any other that we’ve witnessed. It has been riddled with cinema graphic humor, rage, strife, and unfaltering ambiguity. And now Trump has seemingly become the Republican nominee. The only nominee, subsequent to John Kasich and Ted Cruz dropping out of the race this week after their Indiana Primary defeats.
Donald Trump is an articulate, inarticulate orator with a message that resonates with Millions. He is a brand, hello the Apprentice? Since 2008, many of us have been glued to the Apprentice where Trump is hailed as “the guru and who’s who of the business world”. He is a flagship and merchandising aficionado that knows how to sell his name, he understands the art of the deal, and he wrote a book entitled such. The skills he used to sell multi-year merchandising relationships (Trump Hotels and Resorts) and to create his Billion-dollar empire have been “enter-tained” into the minds of the American people. Are his branding tactics of 2008, “mastermind “planning for the Presidential campaign we see today? How else can you explain his success? Who doesn’t want to Make America Great?
As he begins to target his most likely rival, Hillary Clinton will this Trump train slow down? Or is it full steam ahead?
I think it is full steam ahead and here’s why:
1.) Americans are fed up with business as usual.
2.) Trump doesn’t appear to be bought and sold. He is not the establishment but the virtue of his wealth is the establishment.
3.) He is self-funding his campaign, using rhetoric to gain media coverage and not having to pay for it like other candidates (a brilliant business tactic).
4.) He knows his rival on a personal level, “the art of sales”.
5.) He looks the part (and has looked the part since 2008 to the masses).He always includes multiple U.S. flags in his one-dimensional and “repetitious ” victory speeches. An old Marketing rule #7, indicates that in order for someone to remember what you’ve said to them, you have to say it seven times. More information on this can be found in David Meeman Scott’s book, the New Rules of Marketing and PR.
6.) He has surpassed, all odds, all threats, and all party politics to sequester his wins and tells the American people about this. Trump hasn’t backed down even after the decry and ensuing of violence in Chicago and at his speech locations. Instead he won!
7.) Given #6, he may be able to win over the most coveted African-American/ minority vote he needs to win this Presidency; if not a majority then just enough.
After rehashing those words my niece bemoaned, I can’t believe that she might actually be right and Donald Trump may indeed be heading to the White House. SHARE and POST a comment.
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