Interracial Dating Multicultural Resources

Love And Prejudice: Unlearning Antiblackness As A South Asian Clubhouse Conversation

Join us for a clubhouse conversation with Sandeep Kaur author of Love And Prejudice: Unlearning Anti-blackness As A South Asian. When: March 24, 2023 Where: Time: 9:30pm EST Join us and please share this post. p.s. Grab a copy of her book here!  

Multicultural Resources Parenting The Art of Interracial Marriage

 7 Fun & Easy Diwali Craft Ideas for Kids

Whether you’re teaching your kids about your culture or teaching them about the different celebrations around the world, getting crafty is a great way to capture their attention and educate them about Diwali. Diwali (pronounced Duh-vaa-lee) is the Festival of Lights that lasts for 5 days and is celebrated by more than a billion people …

Multicultural Resources Parenting The Art of Interracial Marriage

Disowned By My Arab Family For Being In Love With A Black Woman

Disowned By My Arab Family For Being In Love With A Black Woman About Meet Michael and Cristela Shehadeh. Michael is Palestinian, Lebanese, and Sicilian. His wife, Cristela, is Black and Native American. They were both born and raised in Chicago, IL and brought up Christian. How Did They Meet Michael and Cristela met on …

Interracial Dating Multicultural Resources Parenting

I Grew Up In An Anti-Black Culture, Divorced My Indian Husband, And Fell In Love With A Black Man

I Grew Up In An Anti-Black Culture, Divorced My Indian Husband, And Fell In Love With A Black Man Writer and budding new author Sandeep Kaur and I connected on Instagram a couple of years ago. She told me she was writing a tell-all book to shine a bright light on the origins of anti-Blackness …

Interracial Dating Multicultural Resources The Art of Interracial Marriage

A Second Chance At Love-African American Woman And Indian Man

A Second Chance At Love About Meet Dave & Sherrae. Sherrae is African American and was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her husband Dave is Guyanese Indian American. Dave was born and raised in Georgetown, Guyana, and his family is originally from South India. They have been together for 13 years. How They Met …

Interracial Dating Multicultural Resources The Art of Interracial Marriage

Blindian Bliss-An Interracial Tell-All Interview With Tanya Mitra

A Tell-All Interview With Tanya Mitra Recently, a South Asian life coach and the creator of Blindian (Black + Indian) Bliss, Tanya Mitra, contacted me about sharing her story and providing her services to South Asian women in relationships with Black Men. Tanya has exclusively dated Black men. She also intimately understands the challenges of …