I’ve Faced Rejection My Entire Life As A Black And Indian Woman And Now Kamala Harris Is The Vice President-Elect
I’ve Faced Rejection My Entire Life As A Black And Indian Woman
And Now Kamala Harris Is The Vice President-Elect
By Shaniah Gupta
Edited by Nikita Gupta (Growing Up Gupta)
I’ve been trying to find the words to perfectly encapsulate what Kamala Harris becoming the Vice President-elect means to me. What this monumental moment signifies and how I can best articulate this historical and groundbreaking victory.
In my opinion, society has never had much regard for the place of women. Even the mere thought of a woman in a place of power like this would be far-fetched. Turn back time to around 100 years ago, the image of a woman and a woman of Indian and Black/Jamaican heritage being the Vice President-Elect of the United States of America would be impossible. And yet, here we stand.

A Place In The World For Girls Like Me
To say I have waited my whole life for a moment like this would be an understatement. Growing up, all I ever really wanted was to find a space where I fit, where a mixed-race girl of Indian and Caribbean heritage can exist in a world with singular labels. I was screaming for representation, but most of all, I was clamoring for acceptance (to see someone who looked like me.)
If I could go back in time, I would take baby Shan’s hand and say, it’s all okay, keep the faith because one day, a woman just like you will change the world. For the first time, in what feels like a very long time, I feel immense pride. Today, I know that I can continue to grow in a world where little girls, just like me, can finally dream bigger. We have a place in the world and can be heard. No longer are we alone. We matter. Change is coming, and this is only the beginning.

America And The World Need Healing
Now more than ever, what the world needs as well as America is healing. And a man like Joe Biden, who understands compassion and loss. Who moves with empathy and has the capacity to heal and not damage is what we need during this current world crisis.
He was there when history was made, and Barack Obama was elected the first Black President, changing America’s course. And now here he stands again, in a titanic triumph for women. Here he stands as the next President of the United States of America with a strong and fierce woman by his side.
For the first time, in what feels like forever, I feel hopeful about the future. The future looks bright. A new era is coming, and I can’t wait to see what unfolds.

What did you think about what Shaniah’s said? Can you relate? We love that she is a Gupta too (although not related).
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