Interracial Dating Secrets Revealed
Interracial Dating Secrets Revealed
Finding Humor In Calamity…
To say that my husband, Sachin and I did not go through a rather tumultuous dating relationship would be an understatement. We secretly dated (courted) each other for 4 years before becoming engaged. For us looking left and then right constantly was a way of life. We took many measures to keep our relationship under wraps/hidden because for my husband to date an African-American woman was forbidden. In hindsight, we decided to write this post together to instill some humor in what was a time of calamity for us. If you are in an interracial/intercultural relationship and secretly dating your significant other, know that you are not alone and that all is not bleak. Here are our 5 interracial dating secrets revealed as a satire of sorts.
5 Interracial Dating Secrets Revealed
1.) Enjoy the task of grocery shopping together late at night so that you don’t run into your family friends/auntie/uncles.
2.) While out shopping (e.g. at the grocery store or mall etc) if you think you see an Indian uncle, auntie, or family friend that you know quickly cover your head with your emergency hat or hoodie.
3.) If you and your significant other are also colleagues have one close alliance in the “know” that can always validate that you two are not together.
4.) If your Indian parents asked where you have been. Tell them with your Indian friends they will always assume you are being responsible.
5.) If your Indian family is throwing a party a great way to introduce your significant other without introducing them is to invite them to the party along with some other non-Indian Friends. Your significant other will be able to get a feel for your family and community without feeling like they are under a magnifying glass.
Do you have any dating secrets to share? Can you relate to our dating secrets? Let us know. We would love to hear from you. Like our content subscribe. Follow us on Instagram @GrowingUpGuptas and Twitter at Growing Up Gupta.
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