Interracial/Intercultural Marriage: Tamil-Canadian Woman And African-American Man

Interracial/Intercultural Marriage: Tamil-Canadian Woman And African-American Man About Us Melanie is Tamil-Canadian and Roland is African-American. They met in graduate school and were long distance for the first three years of their relationship.  After Roland proposed, Melanie moved to the United States.  Ironically, while Melanie hates spicy food, Roland loves spicy Tamil dishes.  They just …

From OkCupid To A Long Distance Relationship And Marriage. Interracial/Intercultural Marriage: Polish Woman and Indian Man

From OkCupid To A Long Distance Relationship And Marriage Interracial/Intercultural Marriage: Polish Woman And Indian Man Aka Polindi Diaries How We Met Hi, we are Justyna and Abhi aka Polindi Diaries. Polindi Diaries came about because I am Polish and my husband is Indian.  We met online February 2016 via an online dating app called OkCupid. We both …

Love At First Spice-Haitian Man And Indian Woman

The Pryves Love Story How They Met Meet Styves and Priya Pryves.  Unlike the common love stories in the millennial lifestyle they did not meet online.  Instead it was at work where bonds are formed with less pressure over hours of working together synergistically towards one goal.  Getting to know each other at work made it a …

20 Pro-Tips For Building A Relationship With Your Mother-In-Law

20 Pro-Tips For Building A Relationship With Your Mother-In-Law How Do You Begin To Build A Relationship With Your Mother-In-Law Forging a relationship with your in-laws and in particular, your mother-in-law, the matriarch of the family, can be s-t-r-e-e-s-s-f-u-l.  It may be met with even greater challenges if the relationship between you and your significant other was …