Biracial Parenting. Why I Was Glad Our Daughter Looked Indian And Not…

Biracial Parenting. Why I Was Glad Our Daughter Looked Indian And Not… Let me preface this by saying, this post was not written to incite or advocate colorism.  And my Black is beautiful for all those thinking or waiting to decree that I am self-loathing.  I love being an African-American woman with a  phenomenal culture and history.  …

The Ultimate Guide To Meeting Your Significant Other’s Parents

The Ultimate Guide To Meeting Your Significant Other’s Parents A Cheat Sheet As many of you are aware of an Indian man marrying an African-American woman is not an ideal marriage in Indian culture, see dating secrets revealed.  Quite frankly it is a taboo.  So how did we/do you overcome it? Our tips/cliff notes: 1.    Patience. Be patience …