Interracial Dating The Art of Interracial Marriage




Dating and now being married to an Indian man definitely takes a toll on your waist line.  Why does it seem like it’s a prerequisite  for EVERYTHING to be deep fried in oil/ghee (butter)?  I know that you are thinking wait a second isn’t most soul food deep fried or laden in butter?

2de75921258812846617196753b3eb5e.gifYou are a Black girl and probably accustomed to eating fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, fried okra etc (slightly salivating).  Well I was used to eating this type of food in my youth and cut out the majority of fried foods while in College after learning how high in saturated fat they are.   No, I’m not going to be the saturated fat police.  Yes, of course I know that some fat is essential for/in your diet. It’s essential to a healthy heart per the FDA, blah, blah, blah.

However let’s get back to the topic at hand, the bottomless, crispity, crunchity, buttery variations of Indian snacks.  These snacks can often put a U.S appetizer portion from Maggianos, Cheese Cake Factory, or On The Border to shame.  Indian snacks are a must eat prior to diving into a “traditional” meal.

What does that mean/include?

For breakfast snacks like (i.e. namkeen, fruits, and nuts) are consumed followed by breakfast and then chai (Indian tea).  Then snacks again before lunch (i.e. pakora, fruit chaat) followed by of course lunch and chai.  And then, yes, snacks again before dinner (i.e. samosa, pakora, popper, chaat) and chai. Finally concluded by dessert and chai.  Now I’m not complaining about the delectable assortment of flavors performing bhangra on your tongue and lips.


No, it’s your jeans talking back to your stomach, hips, and thighs after this snack attack. If you do the math that is meals (including dessert) and these meals are by no means minuscule in serving size. Attempting to keep up with this lifestyle easily marginalizes the “Freshman 15”  and “After the wedding 10-20lbs” we’ve all heard about.
Okay, I’m sure you are thinking just don’t eat the snacks and cut back on the other meals.  Well if only it was so easy.   I also had the same thoughts, however, it is a sign of disrespect in Indian culture to not eat food that has been prepared for you.  Why?

Well, it is a sign of love that the food is being served to you and has been made for you so you have to eat. And it isn’t just a nibble or two because then it looks like you don’t like or appreciate the food etc.  If you really think about it who doesn’t love the intent and purpose behind that?

I guess the “beauty” behind the snacks that we encounter during family visitations outweighs the caloric mass we temporarily take on.  And although the snacks are not the best for the body they give life/nourishment to the soul, or so we tell ourselves as we eat them.  In the end, we’ve gathered that we will just have to attend the most meaningful family functions, keep our visitations to India to every 3-5 years since there are weeks of eating like this, and our fitness memberships up-to-date.

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